Economic Policy


The Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Environment and Energy-related Objectives (CEEAG) are a key element of the European Union's policy to support environmental and energy-related activities. The revision of these guidelines was carried out in parallel with other documents on the rules for the granting of permitted State aid.

The role of consultation with the European Commission 

Consultations with the European Commission on the new shape of the CEEAG were particularly important for Polish companies. Business & Science Poland played an important role in this process, defining the needs of Polish companies and communicating them to the EC. The consultation aimed to take into account the specific conditions for recovering from the post-pandemic crisis and to adapt the new rules to the implementation of the EU climate neutrality agenda.

Importance for Polish companies 

For Polish companies, the CEEAG consultation was crucial, as the period of recovery from the post-pandemic crisis required special support. The new rules were to be aligned with the achievement of the EU's climate neutrality objectives, which entailed the need to invest in new technologies and sustainable development.

Challenges and objectives of the EU agenda 

The implementation of the EU climate neutrality agenda has been a major challenge for companies, especially those in energy-intensive sectors. The CEEAG guidelines aimed to facilitate access to State aid by supporting investment in innovative technologies, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

Impact of CEEAG revision on Polish industry 

The revision of the CEEAG guidelines had a direct impact on the Polish industry. Enabling greater access to state aid was intended to support businesses in the green transition, which is essential to achieve climate neutrality objectives. Thanks to the active participation of BSP in the consultations, the needs of Polish companies have been better taken into account in the newly established rules.


The revision of the CEEAG guidelines was an important step towards supporting environmental and energy-related activities in the European Union. Thanks to the consultations with the EC and the activities of the BSP, the new rules were adapted to the specific needs of Polish companies, supporting them in the period of recovery from the post-pandemic crisis and in the pursuit of achieving the objectives of climate neutrality.


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