Economic Policy

EU ETS Guidelines

EU ETS (European Union Emissions Trading System) is a key mechanism for the European Union to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This system imposes limits on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, and the companies covered by the scheme must have an adequate number of emission allowances. Under the EU ETS, it is possible to obtain financial compensation for energy-intensive sectors in order to minimise the risk of shifting production outside the EU (so-called carbon leakage).

The role of BSP in obtaining compensation

Business & Science Poland played a key role in ensuring that companies operating in energy-intensive industrial sectors retain the right to financial compensation. Thanks to the BSP initiative and the support of Polish MEPs, it was possible to send a letter to Commissioners Margrethe Vestager and Frans Timmermans, which resulted in positive decisions for Polish companies.

Importance of State aid

The possibility of obtaining State aid was of paramount importance in mitigating the effects of the increase in electricity prices. For Polish entities, such support was crucial to protect their interests and prevent the risk of companies relocating outside the borders of the European Union. The joint actions of the BSP and Polish MEPs have led to the maintenance of financial compensation for sectors such as copper, lead, zinc and tin production and certain plastics.

Extension of the list of sectors eligible for compensation

Thanks to the efforts of the BSP, the list of sectors eligible for public aid has been expanded. Added sectors and subsectors related to the production and processing of petroleum refining products, the production of other non-ferrous metals and hydrogen. This move was important in the context of securing the competitiveness of European industry on the international stage.

Impact on Polish industry

Maintaining and extending financial compensation for energy-intensive sectors has a direct impact on Polish industry. Thanks to this, Polish companies can compete more effectively on the global market, while achieving the goals of sustainable development. Protecting the interests of Poland's energy-intensive industry is crucial for maintaining jobs and the country's economic stability.


BSP's activities in the field of maintaining and extending financial compensation under the EU ETS are an important element of support for the Polish energy-intensive industry. Thanks to joint efforts with Polish MEPs, it was possible to secure the interests of Polish companies, which contributed to economic stability and job protection. Expanding the list of sectors eligible for state aid is an important step towards increasing the competitiveness of European industry on the global market, while supporting the objectives of sustainable development.


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