The voice of Polish business and science in Brussels
We advocate for Polish businesses and promote innovative industries in Brussels

Who we are

The voice of Polish business in Brussels
The largest Polish business organization in Brussels.
Trusted partner in dialogue with EU institutions
Enduring and trusting relationships with partners in Brussels, including representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council.
Experts in the field of the EU legislative process
Team of experts with many years of experience in the field of EU Affairs
A reliable source of information
A wide network of contacts and access to information from both official and unofficial circulation.
We act in
your interest
We provide our members and partners with professional tools to take an active part in EU legislative processes and thus obtain solutions that benefit the activities of companies in Poland and internationally.
We have expertise in - among others - the following sectors:

How we operate
BSP fosters strong, long-term relationships with partners in Brussels to ensure that EU institutions consider the interests and perspectives of the Polish economy.
Regular prioritization
Organization of periodic meetings to discuss expected results and key issues, both in terms of topics and priorities.
Analysis of the legislative process and stakeholders
Preparation of detailed analyses of the progress of the legislative process and identification of key stakeholders involved in this process.
Development of an action plan
Development by BSP of a comprehensive advocacy action plan for key stakeholders (including communications, key messages and other elements).
Implementation of activities
Implementation of planned advocacy activities by BSP, including activities targeting key stakeholders to effectively represent interests.
Publications prepared by BSP experts together with it's members, the aim of which is to present the positions of Polish business in relation to selected topics — important from the point of view of legislative processes at the EU level

A presence in Brussels and active participation in EU legislative processes are crucial to ensure that the regulatory framework, which is then implemented into national law, meets the needs of Polish companies. As the largest Polish organisation in Brussels, BSP offers a unique platform for Polish companies to strengthen their voice and make sure it is clearly heard at EU level.
Our team
Let's talk
We provide our partners with professional tools to influence the EU legislative environment and help build effective coalitions supporting the interests of Polish industry and science.