Artificial Intelligence as a driving force for digital transformation in the context of society 5.0 — where are we going?

March 30, 2022

The future of artificial intelligence is the main topic of the conference, which was organized on March 17 in Brussels by the Business & Science Poland (BSP) in cooperation with KPRM , the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union and the National Centre for Research and Development.

The seminar aimed to explain the role of artificial intelligence in digital transformation and the development of society 5.0. During the debate, the speakers also presented the point of view of Polish entrepreneurs, society, science and the public sector on the particular challenges and opportunities related to the use of AI algorithms that the EU currently faces.

Artificial intelligence is the future of almost every sector of the economy. It is related to the need to adapt to the pace of technological change, to ensure the optimization and improvement of the efficiency of industrial processes and the advanced use of large amounts of data. It is also a huge potential for innovative processes in the financial sector. At the same time, artificial intelligence brings with it a number of challenges not only of a strategic, business and technological nature, but also of an ethical and legal nature. The BSP Employers' Union, together with member companies and partners, decided to include this topic in the scope of substantive work in order to participate in the process of creating an EU regulatory framework for the stable and secure development of AI for companies operating in both domestic and competitive global markets.

Justyna Romanowska, Head of the Department of Digitalization, welcomed the guests of the debate on behalf of Ambassador Andrzej Sadosio. Minister Janusz Cieszyński — Government Plenipotentiary for Cybersecurity stressed that cybersecurity issues are particularly important in the current situation related to the war in Ukraine. — AI mechanisms are the driving force behind digital transformation, supporting the development of new services and helping to fight disinformation — said Cieszyński. Artur Zasada — President of the Management Board of the Union of Employers Business & Science Poland (BSP) thanked the co-organizers of the event — Minister Janusz Cieszyński, Government Plenipotentiary for Cybersecurity and Ambassador Andrzej Sadosi — Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the EU. He also referred to the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence.

We welcome the intention to make the EU a leader in the development of secure and trustworthy AI. The new regulations aim, on the one hand, to build trust in AI systems, and on the other, to support investment in this area and the development of this technology. It is in the interest of the European Union to maintain technological leadership and ensure that Europeans can benefit from new technologies designed and operated in accordance with EU values, fundamental rights and principles. We understand that the proposed regulations are designed to ensure security and respect for the fundamental rights and values of the EU. — commented on the prospects for the development of AI

The European Commission's proposals are intended to guarantee the safe use of artificial intelligence and increase investment in this area. The conference participants pointed out that artificial intelligence can be compared to invisible assets and its impact on the creation of added value for enterprises and, consequently, entire economies should be studied in depth.

The first panel dedicated to the good practices of AI development in the Polish economic ecosystem was opened by Mr. Robert Kroplewski, Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Digitization for the Information Society and Director of the Digital Platform of the Industry of the Future, a new government initiative. — Digital The Future Industry Platform is a new medium and opportunity for the economy. AI not only brings the future closer, it also builds understanding based on the same values and brings solutions to business, including experience and knowledge. The platform brings together leaders of transformation. Among them are both entrepreneurs and various types of organizations — added Mr. Kroplewski, at the same time inviting representatives of the administration and entities from the private sector to actively participate in the development of the platform.

The Digital Platform of the Industry of the Future was created to strengthen the competence and competitiveness of companies operating in Poland, by supporting their transformation towards Industry 4.0. — We work to strengthen the business ecosystem created by Polish manufacturing companies. We achieve this goal by creating mechanisms for cooperation, knowledge sharing and building trust in relations between market entities involved in the digital transformation process — emphasized Mr. Kroplewski.

In the next panel, representatives of BSP member companies — PKN Orlen and Polish Airports — presented examples of the use of AI algorithms. Aleksandra Trojanowska, Head of Strategic Projects Department of PKN Orlen, stressed that digitalization is a driver and accelerator of energy transformation, green, zero-emission industry. “By using the data, CO2 emissions can be reduced by 35%. Digital tools create new business models, allow you to connect service providers with customers, thus ensuring more sustainable development, responding to current climate trends — added A. Trojanowska. This is the subject of the latest expert report of PKN ORLEN. “There is no decarbonization without digitization. Sustainability needs digital technologies.” which goes beyond the simple aspects of digitalization and shows in a comprehensive way what two trends: digitalization and sustainability have in common.

We believe that these two trends are closely intertwined and will drive each other. The development of a zero-emission economy is primarily influenced by the use of technologies related to the development of renewable energy sources (RES). Digital tools will accelerate the decarbonisation process. This digitalization will be an accelerator for the growth of a green, zero-emission industry. The report describes how Industry 5.0 digitization solutions support decarbonisation — added Aleksandra Trojanowska.

Grzegorz Zajaczkowski (Digital Champion of the EC for Poland, expert of Polish Airports) stressed that one of the most important tools for implementing artificial intelligence in industry is experimentation with the use of regulatory sandboxes (sandboxes) . — Sandboxes enable low-cost testing of all the potential challenges and benefits of implementing this technology. The regulatory sandbox model itself is included in the draft AI ACT directive as an important element of the algorithmic assessment infrastructure — said G. Zajczkowski. Polish Airports is implementing a project based on artificial intelligence through the implementation of a sandbox in the area of handling and passenger traffic optimization. They use advanced AI algorithms along with the re-use of available data from all port systems.

Professor Piotr Sankowski, President of IDEAS NCBR, spoke about the key role of science in the creation of artificial intelligence in Poland. IDEAS NCBR is a research and development center operating in the field of artificial intelligence and digital economy. It aims to be the largest platform in Poland friendly for innovative research related to the practical application of AI and commercialization of solutions and algorithms. An important element of the functioning of IDEAS NCBR is cooperation with universities and scientific institutions, as well as the training of a new generation of scientists specializing in the field of artificial intelligence is one of the foundations of the center's activity.

The second part of the conference was devoted to the issue of the use of artificial intelligence in accordance with respect for human rights. — The Digital Single Market remains a political priority, especially as digital transformation is to build on a well-functioning cross-border services market to deliver real benefits to all our regions — stressed Adam Bielan, Member of the European Parliament, member of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age (AIDA) . — The AI Act should strike a balance between the protection of fundamental rights and ambitious goals, without unnecessary burdens. It is essential to regulate in a way that does not inhibit technological innovation, ensuring that EU companies are highly competitive at a global level in the development and deployment of AI. Legislation should be innovation-friendly, yet understandable to citizens and safe — he added.

Legal regulation in the area of artificial intelligence is one of the priorities of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU. — Artificial intelligence brings incredible opportunities, accelerates innovation, complements human skills, responds to key challenges, allows finding solutions, e.g. on climate change — said Michael Reffay, representative of the French Presidency — Machines take over human skills, so AI must be transparent and responsibly managed. added. Ethical issues were highlighted by Paul Nemitz, Chief Adviser to the Directorate-General for Justice of the EC, Professor of Law, European College — European regulation in the field of AI should be the best, reliable and credible. They should meet ethical criteria, respect for human rights. We need to invest in ethical solutions. Our goal is, as with the GDPR, that leading companies outside the EU follow European standards and respect our law He added in his speech. —The most important thing is to establish the norms of application/use of artificial intelligence algorithms— — said Maciej Chojnowski, Program Director, Center for Technology Ethics at Humanites Institute (CET). The Center for Technical Ethics (CET) is a Polish non-governmental organization promoting responsible, human-friendly and environmentally friendly innovations. CET was established in January 2021 and is run under the auspices of the Humanites Institute. It is the first organization in Poland to focus directly on the ethics of technology. The event was hosted by Matthew Newman, MLex.

The Business & Science Poland continues its work in the area of digital policy.
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Business & Science Poland is an employers' association whose aim is to represent the interests of the Polish economy in the EU environment. With an extensive network of contacts and an excellent understanding of the mechanisms of the EU legislative process, BSP offers its members professional tools to influence decisions made in Brussels. Business & Science Poland brings together leading Polish companies that, thanks to cooperation, are able to make a real impact on the EU legislative process and jointly take care of the Polish economy.

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