NCBR Office in Brussels

The objective of the NCBR Office in Brussels is to strengthen the activity of the Polish scientific and business environment on the European arena and to support the participation of Polish scientific institutions and innovative companies in EU programmes, in particular in the Horizon Europe programmeThe NCBR Office in Brussels presents the voice of Poland in consultations and other processes concerning the EU research and innovation policy. Representatives of the Office participate in meetings, expert groups and other events organised by the European Commission, its executive agencies and partner institutions active in research and innovation in Brussels. The Office cooperates closely with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and science and innovation funding agencies in Poland, the National Contact Point for EU Research Programmes at the NCBR, the Office of PolSCA PAN in Brussels and the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union concerning EU research and innovation policy and strategic planning for Horizon Europe. In addition, the NCBR Office is in constant contact with representatives of the European Commission and its agencies, members of the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and Poles working in EU institutions. NCBR Office also cooperates with the most important European networks such as IGLO, Science Business, EUA, Taftie, ERRIN or EARTO.

The main activities of the NCBR office in Brussels:

More information about the NCBR Office in Brussels is available on the website of NCBR and on the profile page of the NCBR Office in Brussels on LinkedIn.


NCBR Office in Brussels – Business & Science Poland

Rue Belliard 40  1040 Brussels