Privacy Policy

I. Introduction
1. Union of Employers Business & Science Poland with its registered office in Warsaw, address: ul. Żurawia 32/34, 00-515 Warsaw, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs and the Register of Associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and independent public healthcare institutions of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for the city of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, with KRS number 0000771006, having TIN 7010907314 and REGON 382582948 (“ZPBSP”) makes every effort to protect personal data before making them available to unauthorized persons, taking them by an unauthorized person, processing in violation of applicable law and alteration, loss, damage or destruction and respect the privacy of each person whose personal data it processes.
2. Personal data are processed by ZPBSP in compliance with the requirements of generally applicable law, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, pp. 1-88).
3. This Privacy Policy of ZPBSP (hereinafter: the Policy) sets out the principles of processing and protection of personal data adopted by ZPBSP. The Policy regulates: the types of personal data collected by ZPBSP, the way of using this data, the rights of persons whose data are processed by ZPBSP, the categories of entities to whom the data are made available, the means of protection and security of personal data, the manner of contact regarding the exercise of the rights of persons whose data are processed by ZPBSP, the means and methods of protection of personal data used by ZPBSP, information regarding cookies.

II. Basic concepts
4. personal data — any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, e.g. name, telephone number, address, identity card number. An identifiable person is a person whose identity can be determined directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific factors determining his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social characteristics. The information shall not be considered as enabling the identification of a person if this would require excessive costs, time or action;
5. data processing — any operations performed on personal data, such as collection, retention, storage, processing, alteration, sharing and deletion, and in particular those carried out in IT systems;

III. Personal Data Administrator
6. Union of Employers Business & Science Poland with its registered office in Warsaw, address: ul. Książęca 4, 00-498 Warsaw, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs and the Register of Associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and independent public healthcare institutions of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for the city of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, for KRS number 0000771006, with TIN 7010907314 and REGON 382582948. (“ZPBSP”)

IV. Rules for the collection of personal data
7. ZPBSP obtains personal data primarily directly from data subjects. Where business contact details were not collected directly from the data subject (e.g. by the receipt by the ZPBSP of a business card containing such data or from the employer of such person), they may have been provided by another entity or obtained from publicly available sources, such as public registers (e.g. National Court Register, CEIDG).
8. ZPBSP obtains personal data, in particular, in the scope of: contact information (such as name, residence/stay/corresponding/business address, e-mail and telephone number); business contact information (such as position, department and name of the institution); necessary for issuing a VAT invoice (such as NIP, REGON); personal data necessary for the performance of a contract concluded with ZPBSP and fulfillment of legal obligations incumbent on ZPBSP; personal data necessary for the conduct of activities by ZPBSP consisting of organization of events and trainings; personal data necessary for the operation of the newsletter service; content provided in connection with the activities carried out by ZPBSP (such as photos, articles and comments).

V. Method of processing personal data
9. ZPBSP ensures control over the type and scope of personal data processed, the period and method of their processing, as well as the persons authorized to process them.
10. ZPBSP makes every effort to protect the information and personal data it collects.
11. The ZPBSP ensures adequate administrative, technical and physical protection of personal data against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized damage, loss, modification, access, disclosure or use.
12. ZPBSP stores personal data only for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the personal data were collected, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
13. ZPBSP takes measures to destroy or permanently deprive the possibility of identifying personal data if this is required by applicable law or if the personal data are no longer needed to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected.
14. ZPBSP declares that: it processes personal data in accordance with the law; collects personal data for marked, lawful purposes and does not subject it to further processing incompatible with these purposes; stores personal data in a form that allows the identification of the data subjects, no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing; the processed personal data are substantively correct and adequate in relation to the purposes in which they are processed.
15. Access to personal data is available to: ZPBSP, its authorized employees, associates and persons providing services to it. Access to personal data by the aforementioned persons is carried out exclusively for the purpose and scope specified by the ZPBSP.
16. The ZPBSP and the persons authorised to process such data shall apply technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of the personal data processed.
17. The data collected by ZPBSP may be used for the following purposes, among others: providing services or performing contracts, administering them and informing about them by ZPBSP; in the case of processing personal data of a person at whose request actions have been taken to conclude a contract with ZPBSP or to perform a contract concluded with it pursuant to Article 6 (1) (b); in the case of obtaining personal data for for the purposes related to the performance of a specific contract, the ZPBSP provides the data subject with detailed information on the processing her personal data at the time of conclusion of such a contract; fulfillment of legal obligations incumbent on the ZPBSP, which arise from the regulations governing the provision of services or activities of the ZPBSP, as well as the accounting and tax regulations (on the basis of Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR); conducting electronic and traditional correspondence; in case of sending to the ZPBSP via e-mail or non-traditional correspondence related to the services provided by ZPBSP or another contract concluded with ZPBSP, personal data contained in this correspondence is processed solely for the purpose of communication and resolution of the matter to which the correspondence relates, which constitutes the legitimate interest of ZPBSP (on the basis of: Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR); maintaining telephone contacts; in case of contacting ZPBSP by telephone, in matters not related to the services provided by ZPBSP or other contract concluded with ZPBSP, ZPBSP may request the provision of personal data only if it is necessary to handle the matter to which the telephone contact relates, which constitutes the legitimate interest of ZPBSP (based on: Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR); collection of personal data in connection with the activities of ZPBSP: in connection with its activities, ZPBSP may also collect personal data for other purposes, e.g. entering into and maintaining business contacts, which in any case will be based on the legitimate interest of the ZPBSP (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) .assess the risks and improve the activities of the ZPBSP (including the development of services provided, management of communications, analysis and improvement of the services provided by it), which is legally legitimate interest of ZPBSP on the basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR; assessment of interest in employment or use of services offered by ZPBSP and contact regarding the possibility of employment or provision of services by ZPBSP, which constitutes a legitimate interest of ZPBSP on the basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR; recruitment: in order to comply with legal obligations related to the recruitment process (based on: Article 6 paragraph 1 (c) of the GDPR); in order to carry out recruitment and conclude a contract with the candidate at his request (based on: Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR). As part of the recruitment processes, ZPBSP expects to provide personal data (CV or CV) only to the extent specified by law. If the candidate also provides other data, not required by the ZPBSP in the recruitment notice, it is considered that he has consented to the processing of such data (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (a)), which the candidate may withdraw at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out before its withdrawal. In the event that the submitted applications contain information that is inappropriate for the purpose of recruitment, they will not be used or taken into account in the recruitment process; in accordance with the requirements of the law or in connection with ongoing legal proceedings or in connection with the request of a public authority (e.g. the Head of the US) to make available the information held by the ZPBSP, which constitutes the legitimate interest of the ZPBSP a PBSP within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR, and in the case of a request from an authorised public authority, the performance of the legal obligation of the SPBSP; ensure the compliance of the processing with the provisions of personal data protection and the internal regulations of the ZPBSP in this regard, which constitutes the legitimate interest of the ZPBSP within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR.
18. Providing personal data is voluntary, but failure to provide them will prevent the realization of the purposes mentioned above. Your personal data will be stored by ZPBSP for the period necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes, but not longer than is required by the provisions of generally applicable law.

VI. Sharing and entrusting the processing of personal data
19. ZPBSP does not share, sell or disclose in any other way the personal data collected, except as described in the Policy or when this is due to generally applicable law.
20. ZPBSP may entrust the processing of personal data to service providers acting on its behalf, in particular electronic, accounting, legal, courier, postal, agency, IT, printing, marketing, graphic services related to the services provided by ZPBSP.
21. ZPBSP requires these service providers to comply with the law, a high level of protection of privacy and security of the personal data processed by them on behalf of ZPBSP.

VII. Rights of persons whose data is processed by ZPBSP
22. Within the limits of the law, you have the right to access your personal data, in particular as a form of control of the processing by ZPBSP of your personal data, in particular to obtain information about the purpose, scope and method of data processing.
23. Within the limits of the law, you also have the right to amend, supplement, rectify and update your personal data processed by ZPBSP.
24. Within the limits of the law, you also have the right to request the deletion of your personal data processed by ZPBSP.
25. If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data by notifying ZPBSP in any way. In such situations, ZPBSP will adapt to your decision in relation to future activities, which means that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the withdrawal of consent.
26. You have the right, in cases provided by law, to request ZPBSP to restrict the processing of your personal data.
27. For reasons related to your particular situation and within the limits of the law, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by ZPBSP based on the realization of its legitimate interest.
28. Within the limits of the law, you have the right to receive in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to ZPBSP, and the right to transfer this personal data to another controller without hindrance from the ZPBSP. However, ZPBSP will only do so if such a message is technically possible. You have the right to transfer personal data only with respect to those data that ZPBSP processes on the basis of a contract concluded with you or on the basis of your consent.
29. The above rights may be exercised by sending an e-mail to the following address:
30. If you consider that the processing of personal data by ZPBSP violates the provisions of the law, you may file a complaint with a supervisory authority, in the case of the Republic of Poland — the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

VIII. Cookies and analysis software
31. Use of the website may be associated with the need to provide your data when using the ZPBSP contact form, in particular in connection with the use of the newsletter service.
32. ZPBSP, its service providers and business partners collect certain information through automated means, such as cookies, when you browse the website The information collected in this way may include: IP address, browser type, operating system, visited URLs, as well as information about activities performed on the website. In the event that these data constitute personal data, that is, on their basis, a natural person can be identified, the basis for the processing of these data is the legitimate interest of the ZPBSP as a data controller in accordance with Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
33. Cookies contain little information and are downloaded to your computer or other device by the server running the website The web browser you use sends them back to the website each time you use it, so that the server recognizes you and remembers, for example, your preferences (visits or previous activities).
34. However, cookies may collect information about you (e.g. language, country and previously viewed pages) each time you visit the website: More information about cookies can be found at
35. ZPBSP uses cookies exclusively to study the functionality of the website ZPBSP stores this information for a period of up to 5 years. This information cannot be linked to any natural person.
36. By using the website You agree to the placement of the cookies described above on your computer or other device. However, you can always control the cookies installed. However, deleting or blocking cookies may affect the way you use the website, as some areas of it may become inaccessible.
37. The above control is carried out through the browser settings. Information on the possibility of modifying browser settings, blocking and filtering cookies can be found at: //
38. To monitor the website ZPBSP may use analysis software belonging to third parties, such as Google Analytics. Google Analytics can be disabled using a browser extension, which can be downloaded from:
39. For your convenience and to provide you with additional information, the website may contain links to websites administered by entities independent of ZPBSP e.g. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter. They may have separate clauses or privacy policies. ZPBSP encourages you to familiarize yourself with their content. With respect to any sites linked to at that are not owned or controlled by ZPBSP, ZPBSP assumes no responsibility for their content, your use of those sites, or for the privacy policies applicable to them.

IX. Changes and Updates to the Policy
40. The policy may be modified from time to time. The modifications are intended to take into account changes in the practices of the ZPBSP regarding the handling of personal data and to strengthen the personal data protection system in the ZPBSP.
41. Significant changes to the Policy will be signaled by means of clearly visible messages posted on the ZPBSP website. At the top of the page with the content of the Policy there will be information about the date of its most recent update.

X. Contact
42. You may contact ZPBSP at any time to obtain information about whether and how ZPBSP uses or intends to use your personal data, as well as if you have any questions or comments about the Policy.