The first year of operation of BSP is behind us. As an organization, we gained our first experiences and achieved our first successes. Today, looking ahead, we assess the effectiveness of our actions and indicate which ones should be developed in the light of the strategic objectives of the European Union and in the interests of the members and partners of the BSP.
Download the reportOur active presence in Brussels for more than a year has resulted in our membership of the Sustainable Finance Platform, the European Commission's expert body, where, as the only organisation from Central and Eastern Europe, we have the opportunity to shape the EU's sustainable finance agenda. The platform determines the language of taxonomy, determines what is green and what is not.
Download the reportIn the third year of activity, we organized a series of events from the BSP_Connects, BSP_Insight series, as well as press breakfasts and other events held both stationary in Brussels and in the form of webinars, where we discussed issues crucial for our members, conducting consultations with representatives and at the same time first-class specialists in various fields.
Download the reportThe past year was a period of intensive work by Business & Science Poland focused on the “Fit for 55” strategy. In cooperation with the experts of the Members of the Union, we have regularly reviewed the proposed solutions in the ongoing work of the European Parliament and the Council. This was accompanied by closed meetings, the so-called BSP Insight, which serve to establish direct relations between company experts and representatives of institutions and conduct a permanent dialogue.
Download the reportRok 2024 jest szczególny z uwagi na rocznicę 20-lecia wejścia Polski do Unii Europejskiej oraz 25-lecia przystąpienia Polski do NATO. To również ważny okres dla polskiej gospodarki, związany z przygotowaniami do drugiego w historii Polski przewodnictwa w Radzie Unii Europejskiej. Dla Związku Pracodawców Business & Science Poland to także wyjątkowy czas: 5-lecie działalności BSP w Brukseli.
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