#BSP_Connects, Press Briefing

February 14, 2022

Legislation issues related to the package Fit for 55 and its impact on the Polish economy — these are the main topics of the meeting of representatives of Business & Science Poland with Polish correspondents, which took place on 14 February at our headquarters in Brussels. During the press breakfast, the BSP team led by Katarzyna Lachowicz — Director of the Department of European Policies of BSP, presented the priorities of the substantive work of the union for 2022, including in the area of the package Fit for 55.

The meeting was also attended by Ewa Kocińska-Lange, Director of the Office of the National Centre for Research and Development in Brussels — a strategic partner of BSP, who spoke about the Horizon Europe programme.

Representatives of the Polish media also had the opportunity to learn about the activities of BSP in the Platform
Sustainable Finance, an expert body of the European Commission. It is worth emphasizing that it is the only organization from the Central and Eastern Europe region that is a member and, importantly, has the possibility of directly influencing the formation of the criteria of the EU taxonomy. This is an important area of Union involvement covering almost all sectors of the economy. It aims to identify which economic activities in the EU will support sustainable development and which investments will benefit from preferential financing.

Business & Science Poland has developed a number of positions on initiatives and legislative proposals of the European Commission in the field of activity of member companies, including key documents that make up the package Fit for 55, among others:

  • the revision of the EU ETS Directive governing the system of greenhouse gas emission allowance trading in the EU;
  • CBAM, i.e. a proposal for a mechanism for adjusting prices at borders taking into account products imported into the EU,
  • a new regulation on sustainable aviation fuels,
  • amendments to the Renewable Energy Directive,
  • a draft regulation on the development of alternative fuels infrastructure, or
  • Amendments to the Energy Taxation Directive.

These projects are currently the main focus of the work of the EU institutions, as well as the BSP member companies.

Business & Science Poland, representing companies in, among others, industrial sectors: refining, non-ferrous metals, chemicals, fertilizers, as well as air transport, conducts constant dialogue and cooperation with the EU institutions in order to develop a European and balanced approach in the field of future EU regulations.

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