Webinar_NCBR: Gender Equality Plans — a new criterion in Horizon Europe

June 22, 2021

The NCBR Brussels Office and the National Contact Point Department invite you to participate in the webinar”Gender equality plans — a new criterion in Horizon Europe“, which will take place on 1 July (Thursday) 2021 from 10 am to 12.30 pm, in which we will tell you about the new obligation in Horizon Europe projects — Gender Equality Plans.

Gender Equality Plans — a new criterion in Horizon Europe — webinar on equal opportunities, 01.07.2021 (Thursday) 10:00-12:30

In Horizon Europe, the European Commission places particular emphasis on gender equality, which is now a fundamental policy objective in all European Union activities and a key factor in achieving sustainable development and economic growth. Research and innovation activities are to be geared towards the elimination of gender inequalities and gender equality will be appropriately mainstreamed throughout Horizon Europe — the so-called Gender Equality Plans.

The webinar will be attended by the representative of the European Commission, Dr Anne Pepin, who will explain the new obligation to ensure gender equality in Horizon Europe. Then there will be two panels with experts: the first panel will focus on the best Polish practices in the field of gender equality and the speakers will be distinguished experts from universities and research institutes in this area. The second panel will focus on best European practices — the representatives of Lithuania, Germany and Belgium will present their achievements to date in developing Gender Equality Plans at their universities.

The meeting will be held in English.

We invite everyone interested in the topic of equal opportunities to take part in this event!

NCBR Brussels Office and National Contact Point Department

Registration at the link: LINK

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