NCBR_Webinar: Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence in Horizon Europe

June 22, 2021

Information and networking event on Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence in Horizon Europe

Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Time: 13:00 CET

Location: online event

Agenda and event details: here

Owing to the limited number of places, we encourage you to register: REGISTRATION

We cordially invite you to an information and networking meeting for those interested in participating in Horizon Europe competitions in the area of wider participation and dissemination of excellence, organized under the patronage of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, by the Brussels offices of Slovenia, Cyprus, Greece, Poland and Hungary, supporting R&D cooperation.

L'evento è un opportunità di stabilisare con i partner da Cipro, Grecia, Polonia, Slovenia, Ungheria e iniziare la cooperazione.

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