NCBR_Webinar Caring for soil is caring for life — Mission Soil Health and Food in Horizon Europe

September 13, 2021

23 September from 10:00am — 1:00pm

Life on Earth depends on healthy soilsthat provide us with nutrient-rich food and other products, as well as clean water and suitable habitats for biodiversity. At the same time, soils can contribute to delaying climate change and increasing our resilience to extreme climatic events such as droughts and floods. Office National Centre for Research and Development in Brussels, together with Office for the Promotion of Science PolSCa PAN in Brussels they invite you to a webinar on the European Mission under Horizon Europe — Mission Soil Health and Food —”Caring for the soil is caring for life.”, which will take place in Thursday 23 September from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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Office National Centre for Research and Development in Brussels, together with Office for the Promotion of Science PolSCa PAN in Brussels they invite you to a webinar on the European Mission under Horizon Europe — Mission Soil Health and Food Caring for the soil is caring for life, which will take place in Thursday 23 September from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Life on Earth depends on healthy soils. Soils provide us with nutrient-rich food and other products, as well as clean water and suitable habitats for biodiversity. At the same time, soils can contribute to delaying climate change and increasing our resilience to extreme climatic events such as droughts and floods.

Due to the growing demand for land for urban development and infrastructure, we consume the most fertile soils. Excessive exploitation of soil by agriculture also significantly affects soil degradation. Improper and unsustainable use of soils and waste management interfere with the ability of soils to perform their essential functions.

Report prepared by the Mission Council Soil Health and Food is a proposal for actions to be taken to improve the condition of soils and a tool to raise awareness of their importance among citizens. The state of the soil is at the heart of the new European Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The aim of the webinar is to provide participants with the most important information about the European Mission Soil Health and Food and increasing awareness of the importance of healthy soil in the modern world.

The meeting will be attended by: Representative of the European Commission Nathalie Sauze-Vandevyver — Mission Manager, who will talk about the main assumptions and objectives of the Mission “Caring for soil is caring for life”, Prof. Marta Pogrzeba, member of the Mission Council and experts representing the fields of science, business, administration and civil society. During two discussion panels, they will discuss whether it is possible to achieve the Mission's objectives regarding urban soils and agricultural land in Poland. Then, the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Magdalena Maciejewska, will present the mission from the perspective of national activities. At the end of the meeting, a question and answer session with the speakers is scheduled.

We invite all interested to take part in this event.

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