NCBR_Webinar: New European Bauhaus

December 10, 2021

We invite you to the next meeting of the “Brussels Talks” series, organized by the NCBR office in Brussels/Business and Science Poland: The New European Bauhaus. Our guest will be Michela Magas, innovator and member of the New European Bauhaus, a high-level round table at the European Commission.

In a career spanning more than 25 years, Michela connects the worlds of science and art, design and technology, academic research and industry. He advises on innovation, among others, the European Commission and G7 leaders. She is the author of the concept Innovation Communities (Innovation Commons). In 2017 she received a distinction European Woman Innovator A year earlier she received Innovation Luminary Award for Creative Innovation. In 2019, the International Society for Arts, Sciences and Technology, MIT, in recognition of the results of its activities, awarded her the distinction of Outstanding Peer Reviewer.

The webinar will take place on Friday, December 10, 2021, at 10 a.m. The host will be Ewa Kocińska-Lange, Director of the NCBR Brussels office.

  • What is the role and objectives of the New European Bauhaus (NEB)?
  • What makes NEB a unique project?
  • What are the chances of NEB?
  • What sources does B&R have NEB?
  • What is NEB's relationship to the Green Deal?

If you want to know — join the discussion and ask a question.

The program includes a presentation and a Q&A session.

For more information, please contact:

NCBR Office in Brussels — Business & Science Poland

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