NCBR_webinar: “European research assessment reform: why and when”

May 17, 2022

In the name of NCBR offices in Brussels | BSP and the Brussels offices of Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Lithuania, supporting R&D cooperation, we cordially invite you to the webinar entitled: European research assessment reform: why and when”which will take place on Tuesday 31 May 2022 r. in hours. 14:00-15:35. The meeting will be held via the ZOOM platform

The European Commission has invited research funding organisations, research organisations, national/regional authorities, associations of research funders, research contractors, researchers, as well as scientific societies and other organisations to express their interest in participating in the Coalition for the Reform of Research Evaluation. The webinar will be an excellent opportunity for discussion and exchange of views between experts and participants on a new approach to the research evaluation system.

Registration available: here

Agenda of the meeting

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