#NCBR_webinar: EIT Urban Mobility — Projects, trends and challenges in urban logistics

March 9, 2022

NCBR Office in Brussels — Business & Science Poland (BSP) and EIT Urban Mobility/European
Institute for Technological Innovation (EIT) are pleased to invite you to an online information meeting,
which will take place on Monday March 28, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Polish and European cities are playing an increasing role in the “last mile” delivery processes,
and the support and development of urban mobility is not only a challenge for municipal authorities, but also
a huge opportunity for Polish companies that can participate in the creation of solutions
in the Smart City area.

The aim of the meeting is to present to Polish entities technological solutions and
organisational support for improving the efficiency of goods flows in cities.
We will present research projects, including pilot implementations that have been implemented or are
planned for implementation on the Polish market. We will bring you closer to the idea of consolidation hubs that can
also take the form of mobile handling centers, self-sufficient in energy
and integrated into vehicles. We will show more and more common cargo bikes providing
efficient and emission-free last mile deliveries and drones that support equally effectively
parcel delivery in city centers. We will discuss the concept of smart return packaging,
equipped with communication and sensory modules, allowing it to be tracked and repeated
use. We will also present the benefits of using smart bays

The meeting will also be an opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of selected Polish startups, which
in their offer they have products with a high potential to support urban mobility.
The meeting aims to establish cooperation between companies and individuals
research, aiming at joint application for funding under the programmes
national and European.

We invite all representatives of science, business and education to take part in the event.

At the end of the meeting, a question and answer session with the speakers is scheduled.

Registration is available here

If you have any questions, please contact: marta.krutel@ncbr.gov.pl

We cordially invite you!

AGENDA: EITUM_ Agenda_2022_03_28

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