European Year of Skills 2023. Deepening competences in the European Union. SKILLS IN THE AGENDA

February 24, 2023

European Year of Skills 2023. Strengthening competences in the European Union. SKILLS IN THE AGENDA

Date: Monday, March 6, 2023

Location: online event

Time: 11:00 CET

We cordially invite you to participate in the event entitled: Strengthening competences in the EU. Skills in the Agenda, organized by the Brussels offices of Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Lithuania, supporting R&D&I cooperation. On the Polish side, the organizer is the NCBR Office in Brussels.

The meeting will be held online on Monday, March 6, at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom.

The year 2023 is dedicated to skills. The first part of the meeting will be an introduction to the initiative entitled: Pact for Skills (Pact for Skills), one of the flagship activities of the European Skills Agenda.

The Skills Pact is the first and latest achievement of a new initiative of the European Skills Agenda. Launched on 10 November 2020, it supports the green and digital transformation and EU industrial strategies to upskill and retrain workers in Europe. A representative of the European Commission will share with us the latest news and updates to better understand what the Pact offers, what opportunities it offers and how you can get involved.

As skills are one of the building blocks of the new European Innovation Agenda, the second presentation will focus on the role that the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will play in its implementation.

Event in English. Registration is available here

We cordially invite you!

Diary: pact_skills_agenda_2023_06_03

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