On 1 January 2024, Belgium takes over the Presidency of the Council of the EU

Priorities of the Belgian Presidency:

✔ open EU strategic autonomy enhancing resilience and competitiveness, ensuring a level playing field and removing trade barriers,

✔ energy autonomy, development of sustainable energy infrastructure, hydrogen imports and CO2 transport, facilitation of international hydrogen trade, achievement of marine renewable energy targets and development of an integrated maritime network,

✔ industrial autonomy and refinement of industrial policy based on the cosystem and value chain,

✔ food security, initiating reflection on the future post-2027 framework, paying attention to animal health and welfare and the need for resilience,

✔ decarbonising the EU transport sector and promoting sustainable and active modes of transport

✔ digital transformation,

✔ research and innovation to strengthen and modernise European industry, improve the value of research results and strengthen the role of research and innovation in society,

✔ further military and humanitarian support for Ukraine, discussion on the decision-making process in the Council with a qualified majority in the common foreign and security policy and on the ability to act decisively.

As Parliament's term of office will be changed during the Belgian Presidency, priority will be given to finalising the most important outstanding issues (e.g. the Emission Neutral Industry Act (NZIA), the Emergency Single Market Instrument (SMEI)) and discussing the economic state of the Union and its future.