NCBR_Webinar: Mission Cancer on Horizon Europe and the European Plan to Fight Cancer

November 5, 2021

17 November 2021, 10 a.m. — 1 p.m.

Webinar: Will it be possible to save 3 million people from cancer? — Mission Cancer on Horizon Europe and the European Plan to Fight Cancer

Registration is available: HERE

Office of the National Centre for Research and Development in Brussels together with Polish Academy of Sciences Promotion Office of Polish Academy of Sciences in Brussels invite you to the webinar “Will it be possible to save 3 million people from cancer? — Mission Cancer on Horizon Europe and the European Plan to Fight Cancer”, to be held in Wednesday 17 November at 10:00 — 13:00.

Cancer affects everyone, regardless of age, gender or social status and is a huge burden on patients, families and the general public. If no further action is taken, the number of people diagnosed with cancer each year in Europe will rise from the current 3.5 million to more than 4.3 million by 2035. A mission in this area will help set common goals to reverse these frightening trends in cancer. Joining efforts across Europe, the Mission together with the European Plan to Fight Cancer aims to support cancer prevention, enable early diagnosis, reduce suffering and improve the quality of life of cancer patients during and after treatment.

To provide concrete solutions, the Mission Council proposed an ambitious goal: “By 2030, more than 3 million lives will be saved, living longer and better lives.” The main objectives of the Mission will focus on: understanding cancer, prevention (including screening and early detection), diagnosis and treatment, and improving the quality of life of people living with and after cancer, while ensuring equal access for all. The aim of the webinar is to provide participants with the most important information about the Mission and the European Plan to Fight Cancer.

The meeting will be attended by: Representatives of the European Commission — Joanna Drake, Mission Manager, Deputy Director General for Research and Innovation and Annika Nowak, who will talk about the main objectives and objectives of the Cancer Mission and the European Plan to Fight Cancer, Prof. Konrad Rydzyński, member of the Mission Council and experts representing the fields of science, business, administration and civil society. During two discussion panels, they will discuss how research activities undertaken in Poland will contribute to increasing understanding and detection of cancer and how to effectively treat cancer patients and ensure a better quality of life. At the end of the meeting, a question and answer session with the speakers is scheduled.

We invite all interested to take part in this event.

NCBR Office in Brussels — Business & Science Poland and Science Promotion Office PolSCa Polish Academy of Sciences in Brussels

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