NCBR_Evaluate - Why Become an Expert in Horizon Europe

March 18, 2022

Date: Thursday, April 7, 2022

Location: online event

Time: 09:30 CET

We cordially invite you to a meeting for interested people how and why it is worth to become an expert evaluating applications in the Horizon Europe program, organized by the Brussels offices of Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Lithuania, supporting R&D cooperation. On the Polish side, the organizer is the NCBR Office in Brussels.

The first part of the meeting includes a presentation by a representative of the European Commission on how to become an evaluator of applications in the Horizon Europe programme. Then there will be a panel discussion on why it is worth becoming an evaluator, with representatives from Cyprus, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Lithuania. Participants will receive answers to questions, how do you evaluate the project proposal? what do you look at in the project as an evaluator? what are the advantages (and disadvantages) of being an “evaluator”? and many others.

Registration available at the following link: here.

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