AI as a driver of digital transformation in the context of society 5.0 –where do we go?

March 11, 2022

Webinar on Artificial Intelligence


Scene Setter:

This seminar is organized to better explain the role of AI in digital transformation and society 5.0 development. It will address some of the main challenges and opportunities faced by the European Union seen from the perspective of Polish entrepreneurs, society, science and the public sector. It will involve representatives of different stakeholders, private and public entities and create additional space for specific showcases from Poland. Furthermore, from the legislation point of view, French Presidency is invited to present recent developments and plans in AI Act negotiations.

Questions structuring a debate:

The following questions will notably be addressed during the debate:

  1. What is the role of AI in digital transformation?
  2. Is AI the key to successful digital transformation? How to empower businesses and users?
  3. Digital at the centre – rights at the margins? How to find a balance.
  4. How to develop ethical AI?

Draft agenda:

17 March 2022, Webex Events platform

10:30-10:50 Opening

Welcome speeches by the organizers

Mr Andrzej Sadoś – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the European Union

Mr Artur Zasada– President of the Board of the Business & Science Poland (BSP) – video message

Opening remarks – a video message by Mr Janusz Cieszyński – State Secretary for Digital Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, the Plenipotentiary of the Government for Cybersecurity


10:50-11:50 – Panel I  

Artificial Intelligence and Polish ecosystem of industry of the future

Moderator: Matthew Newman, mLEX

Mr Robert Kroplewski – Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Digital Affairs for Information Society, Director at Digital Platform of Future Industry
opening presentation – initiative for Polish Industry 4.0 – “The Future Industry Platform”

Mrs Aleksandra Trojanowska – Strategic Projects Manager at PKN ORLEN

No decarbonization without digitalization’ – report presentation

Mr Grzegorz Zajączkowski – Digital Champion UE for Poland, Chief Data Office for Polish Airports State Enterprise (PPL)

Between business, security, and privacy – AI in airport solutions.

Mr Piotr Sankowski – PhD, CEO IDEAS NCBR, professor at University of Warsaw, and CSO MIM Solutions

The role of science in creating the AI ecosystem in Poland

11:50-12:10 – coffee break

12:10 – 13:10 – Panel IIArtificial Intelligence and ethics – presentations and statements

Keynote speech:

Mr Adam Bielan – MEP, Member of Special Committee
on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA)

Updating the state of work on regulations in the area of artificial intelligence within the AIDA committee


Mr Maciej Chojnowski – Program Director, Center for Ethics of Technology at Humanites Institute (CET)

AI ethics and its challenges: putting principles into action (the Polish perspective)

Mr Paul Nemitz – Principal Adviser on Justice Policy, European Commission, Professor at Law, College of Europe, Global Council on Extended Intelligence

From Ethics to Laws  for AI in democratic societies

13:10-13:20Mr Michael Reffay – Presentation from French Presidency – recent developments and plans on AI Act

13:20-13:30Q&A session

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