Business& Science Poland Managing Director Witold Strzelecki and Principal AdvisorDariusz Dybka attended the European Industry Summit 2025 in Antwerp, joining400 business leaders, industry representatives, and worker advocates fromacross Europe. The summit, organised one year after the launch of the AntwerpDeclaration, featured discussions on the newly released Clean Industrial Dealwith European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
BSP welcomes the opportunity to meet with the President of the European Commission,emphasizing the importance of open dialogue with stakeholders impacted by EUlaws.
However,to enhance EU competitiveness and unlock the potential of European companies,additional efforts are needed to address key internal and global challenges. Toensure the competitiveness of EU industry while achieving climate goals, theEuropean Commission and other EU institutions should prioritize the followingactions:
✔️ Ensure technology neutrality and support local energy sources.
✔️ Provide targeted assistance for high-carbon regions.
✔️ Support energy-intensive sectors.
✔️ Expand financial support mechanisms.
✔️ Strengthen local supply chains and expand the national industrial base.
✔️ Foster continuous dialogue with industry.
✔️ Simplify and accelerate investment processes by revising selectedregulations.
Moving forward, addressing these key areas will be essential for fostering asustainable and competitive industrial landscape in Europe.

Photos: BSP, Cefic, European Commission