“Hydrogen horizon, the charting of the EU market development”

September 7, 2023

“Hydrogen horizon, the charting of the EU market development

Date: Tuesday, 19th September

Place: Business &Science Poland Office, Rue Belliard 40, Brussels


15.00 – 15.15

Welcoming the guests

Katarzyna Lachowicz, Director of BSP Branch in Brussels

15.15– 16.30

Panel discussion

Ruud Kempener, Member of Cabinet of Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson;

Kamila Waciega, Director, Energy & Infrastructure Policy, Hydrogen Europe;

Michał Grzybowski, Project Manager Economic and Business Analyzes and Hydrogen Project Settlements Team ORLEN S.A.

Rheanna Johnston, Policy Advisor for EU energy transition, on the Climate Neutral Energy Systems;

Moderator: Claudia Patricolo (CEENERGYNEWS)

16.30 – 17.30

Networking Reception

About conference:

The aim of attaining climate neutrality by the year 2050 necessitates the development of alternative sources of renewable energy. Hydrogen beacons as one energy carrier with the potential to decarbonise the EU’s transport and energy-intensive sectors, especially amidst the move away from the reliance on Russian fossil-fuel imports.

The Hydrogen Strategy of the EU, alongside associated initiatives, like the European Hydrogen bank, the Hydrogen Accelerator, and funding vehicles like the Innovation Fund or Invest EU, can be effective instruments for increasing endogenous renewable hydrogen production while simultaneously increasing imports of this fuel. The recent developments in legislation – the acceptance of nuclear hydrogen production provision in RED III and the entry of RFNBO delegated acts into law – are all steps towards increasing the transparency of rules for hydrogen production, that in principle should untangle ambiguities about hydrogen’s classification and simultaneously provide an impulse for its uptake.

Yet, the project of increasing the role of hydrogen as an important medium to climate neutrality still requires untangling some knots. The hydrogen sector still faces legal ambiguities, high production costs and the question of the electricity grid capacity that will need to be addressed.

Over the course of our debate, we will aim to unearth answers to questions like:

  • How can we ensure that the development of hydrogen is economically viable?
  • What steps can be taken to avoid market fragmentation and to improve sector-wide cooperation, including PPP projects’ role in the process?
  • How can we harmonise regulations around sustainable hydrogen?
  • Is the current Hydrogen Strategy a viable long-term tool for the proliferation of hydrogen technology?
  • What are the challenges of integrating hydrogen into the electricity grid?

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